Breaking The Promise of Education

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Children are told from a young age that if they put in the hard work, they will be rewarded later in life. People generally leave out the fact that, in Canada, this is not necessarily true for everyone that is not white.

In a perfect and fair world, this give and take would seem logical and true. Unfortunately, our world is far from fair. Black youth must contend with the fact that even if they work just as hard as their white peers, and even be more qualified, there is a large chance that they will lose out simply because they are Black.

We want to change the script. By giving parents the confidence they need to educate and empower their children, they can give their children the confidence they need to be able to identify and address when they are being treated unfairly because of their Blackness. We want to make meaningful and long-lasting change in the Windsor-Essex community, and it starts with education.

Learn more about our workshops where we cover this exact topic and tools in how to overcome these barriers:

Have your own stories or thoughts? Tell us below and help us spread awareness!


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