3 Ways To Celebrate World Environment Day

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Happy #WorldEnvironmentDay ! In celebration, we put together 3 activities you can do with your child today to educate them while having a great time.

  1. Create a “Fairy Garden”. These miniature gardens/landscapes will inspire your child’s creativity while also giving you a chance to teach them about the earth and how we need to take care of it. If you end up doing this activity, share a picture of your finished product with us!


2. Create a birdhouse. If you’re handy with a hammer or even a hot glue gun, you can help your child create a cozy house for birds that will keep them safe from predators, warm in the winters, and give them a place to raise their babies. Plus, you and your child will be able to watch it all! Placing a pest-free bird feeder near your crafted-with-love birdhouse will provide ample entertainment for your household.


3. Play in the Rain. Although this one is dependant on the weather and the right clothing, playing in the rain is a great way to give your child a long-lasting memory while letting your inner-child come out and have some childish fun. This can teach your child that rain isn’t always a bad thing and why it’s important, and that having fun can be as simple as jumping in a bunch of puddles. Throw on some rain gear and let yourself loose!


Have fun and remember to appreciate nature today!


Happy Father’s Day!


Breaking The Promise of Education